heal the world

美 [hiːl ðə wɜːrld]英 [hiːl ðə wɜːld]
  • 网络拯救世界;治愈世界;迈克尔杰克逊;治愈地球;拯救人类
heal the worldheal the world
  1. Heal the world , make it a better place , for you and


  2. Let us heal the world and blight its pain .


  3. Heal the world , Make it a better place , For you and for me !


  4. And you know I 'm sick of that " Heal the world " stuff .


  5. U heal the world , but who heals U ?


  6. But it all begins with forgiveness , because to heal the world , we first have to heal ourselves .


  7. Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone .


  8. But Katy doesn 't want to fight with Taylor any longer , as she believes that women need to come together in order to ' heal the world ' .


  9. The magic , the wonder , the mystery , and the innocence of a child 's heart , are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world . I really believe that .


  10. Michael Jackson 's call to " Heal the World " in a pop song spreads to every corner of the planet and probably touches more people than the Pope 's annual Christmas message .


  11. When Jackson sang Heal the World , to some extent , he did inspire such a feeling that healed his own wrongdoings and ours , even though it lasted for only several minutes .


  12. Influenced by her story , I created the As We Heal , the World Heals project .


  13. As to the alienation brought about by the industrial civilization , Hardy puts forward his proposal to heal the alienated world , that is , evolutionary meliorism .
